Reunion - Coordinator's Financial Statement
2002 Reunion - Coordinator's Financial Statement (Excerpted from Mernilo Dionisio's 1/30/03 EMail)Ace, FYI. Received from Rudy sometime last week a money order from Western Union in the amount of $310.00 representing excess money from the July 2002 reunion, calculated as follows: Collected from Members: $1,910.00 Conference Center rental: ($1,761.00) Regards, Nilo September 1, 2002 Developing and researching for that task, a variety of questions came up; such as, (1) the criteria for a person to be an honorary member; (2) how is the person actually selected; (3) his\her privileges and limitation of privileges vis-à-vis an alumni; (4) how do we define who is an alumni; (5) what is the purpose of our group; (6) what validates or guides or actions; (7) etc., etc. etc. It became obvious very quickly that the “simple” task of bringing in honorary members to our group is less than simple. To do that “simple” task, we first need to structure things (things that we have simply understood among ourselves or taken for granted). Structuring (i.e., defining) things is beneficial since we will come up with a coherent document that will essentially be the “guidebook” for the conduct of our affairs. That initial structuring was done and the result is the attached BY-LAWS. The proposed By-Laws defines the following six (6) Articles: the Name & Nature of the association, its Purposes, Membership, Council of Alumni, Amendments to the By-Laws, and Ratification of the By-Laws. As you can see, the main topics (i.e., the Articles) are mainly what the by-laws aims to define. The definition under each article (i.e., the Sections) are plain and straightforward (they just took more words to describe). The Sections needs to be defined with specificity so that we (and other present and future members) will have a common understanding on how things are and should be done. That way, our association will exist with a constitutional foundation, with a defined basis for consistency and justice in our actions, and equipped to handle all foreseen situations with a framework of guidelines. The proposed By-Laws recommends the formation of the Council of Alumni (SEE: Article IV, Sections 21-23). The concept of the Council is very significant. Imagine the Council members as the representatives of the general association membership, somewhat like the U.S. Congress, Senate and the White House rolled-up into one. The Council will be the heart-mind-and-soul (and, most of the times, the legs also) of the association. The Council is essentially the embodiment of the existing core group of alumni that have nurtured, supported and made the decisions for our group thru the years. These alumni are named in the cc list below (plus the undersigned, who is not listed). After we have arrived at the final version of the By-Laws, it will be ratified (that is, signed by its chartering creators). The proposed signatories of the by-laws will be the following nine (9) alumni: M. Dionisio, N. Grajo, H. Lotuaco, R. Mariano, C. dela Pena, E. Reyes, E. Tanghal, E. Siwa, and R. Siwa. After ratification, the By-Laws becomes enacted (springs to life) and automatically brings to life and empowers the Council of Alumni. When it first come into being, the Council (as provided by the By-Laws’ Article IV, Section 23(a)), will be composed of the following seven (7) alumni: T. Pangilinan, N. Grajo, H. Lotuaco, R. Mariano, C. dela Pena, E. Reyes and E. Siwa). At that point, it is recommended that the Council take the following actions: 1. The Council, pursuant to Article IV, Section 23(b) and 24, will have a meeting by mail\email where M. Dionisio, E. Tanghal and R. Siwa will be nominated-&-elected to be members of the Council; 2. After the election of M. Dionisio, E.M. Tanghal and R. Siwa to the Council, the Council will have a second meeting by mail\email where the Council Officers (i.e., the Council Chair, Vice Council Chair, Treasurer, Comptroller and Secretary) will be nominated-and-elected. After we have done Step 2 above, our association will then be fully staffed and fully ready to do its short- and long-term tasks. Then we can take on the subject of “honorary members” (remember?) again. At that future point in time, we will actually consider the names and qualities of member candidates. What you are requested to do presently: (1) Please carefully review the attached By-Laws document, make comments\notations on it (if you need to), and/or call\mail\email me if you need clarification (or to point out errors\omissions\conflicts) on any Article or Section; (2) after you have done your comments\notations, mail\email me the pages with comments\notations by or before October 4, 2002; (3) I will incorporate the comments\notations made by everybody on the original By-Laws and send the updated copy to each of you; (4) we will repeat Steps 1-3 until we get a final By-Laws that is agreeable to all of us; (5) then we sign the By-laws (which will be done serially thru the mail); and (6) after all have signed and the fully signed (i.e., ratified) By-Laws gets back to me, I will make-&-send a copy to each signatory; (7) the Council votes-&-elects the elected Council members (i.e., M. Dionisio, R. Siwa & E. Tanghal); (8) the Council votes-&-elects the Council officers; (9) the Council officers assumes\starts their 4-year terms; (10) the Council Chair drafts a letter announcing the ratification of the By-Laws and the Association’s roster of officers; and (11) the Council Secretary mails\emails the Council Chair’s letter to the Association members. This letter (and the By-Laws attachment) is being sent (ONLY to the cc-list below) by email to those that have email and by U.S. mail to those that do not. To the emailed recipients: Please email advise immediately that the letter-&-attachment were received. Otherwise, I will conclude that you have not received same (which will require me then to make a trip to the post office to mail you a hard copy). Thank you for your time. (Signed)Horatio Cc: M. Dionisio, N. Grajo, R. Mariano, C. dela Pena, E. Reyes, E.Tanghal, E. Siwa, & R. Siwa |
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