49th Anniversary Reunion To Be Held In L.A.
February 18, 2006 Planning Meeting Held In L.A. Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 03:09:06 -0800 (PST) Latest Developments (As of 08/26/06): Reunion Dates & Venues
FYI. To keep you abreast of the latest developments,per recent communications
with Teya (Reunion Coordinator), RE above event; Reunion Coordinator's 01/12/2007 Letter Dear Fellow Alumni, Greetings to you, my fellow alumni an families. The date of our reunion is getting closer and I hope that you are all excited just as I am about this big event. We Californians are happy to report that we have firmed up all the arrangements to hold our Class 58 NESHS reunion in Southern California this coming June 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2007 (Thurs., Fri, Sat. and Sun.). Please see the attached schedule of activities, accommodations and other information that are intended to make our reunion enjoyable. Can you believe it? Forty-nine years since our high school graduation and here we are planning another celebration to commemorate that event. That day, we transitioned from young innocents into young adults, our lives have never been the same. This is the time to enjoy nostalgia, renew old friendships, meet new acquaintances, laugh about funny or sometimes not even funny things, reminisce from the past and feel young again. Let us take the time out from the daily grind of life and just enjoy each others company. Remember today, will not be the same as tomorrow and who knows what tomorrow will be like for each one of us. We have to live every minute of our lives while we are strong, alert and still have our sense of recognition. Please come and join us in this celebration because without your presence this affair will not be a success and complete. Bring your family and friends to join and witness this sentimental yet happy occasion for all the alumni and their families. Please complete the questionnaires to confirm your attendance, number of members in your group and other pertinent information therein and return to me by next month. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.. I will be advising everybody for any updates/changes if any, from now until the day of the event. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Estrella V. Reyes Class 58 NESHS '58 Reunion Coordinator Reunion Coordinator's 03/20/2007 Letter Dear Friends/Classmates, Hello everyone! This is a reminder for our forthcoming reunion. I hope by this time you have already marked your calendar for June 21 to 24 (Thursday to Sunday). Thank you for sending me the questionnaires. Your time and effort is highly appreciated to: Rodolfo A. & Teresita P.; Efren & Vicki P.; Horatio & Violeta L. Our classmates joining per phone conversation are Rolando S. & Erlinda B.; Rodolfo & Lina M.; Leonora A. & Victorico S.; Francisco & Lisa M.; Ernesto & Necee S.; Domingo & Linda C.; Norma A. & Frank G.; Luisinia L. & Ruperto U.; Nydia M. & Antonio T.; Cecilia Y.; Iluminada M.; Victoria M.; Rufino H.; & Emmanuel P. May I request you to please send me the questionnaire so I can prepare name tags before the day of the event. So far we are magnificient "30" and counting. I am expecting that this number will absolutely increase. Enclosed is a brochure of the Double Tree Hotel, our venue. Please refer to the 2nd page about the activities and reseration code. The day is passing so fast, soon it will be June. Our REUNION will be really successful especially with your presence. I hope you are all excited as I am to see you soon and feel young again. Regards and may God Bless Us All!
Sincerely yours, (Signed) Estrella V. Reyes NESHS Class 58 Alumni - 2007 Reunion Coordinator 2007 Reunion Celebrated June 21-24 in Ontario, Canada The NESHS '58 U.S. alumni's 2007 California reunion, marking the Class' 49th Graduation Anniversary, was markedby a number of alumni, their families and friends last June 21 - 24, 2007 in Ontario, California. Among the celebrants were alumni Cecilia, Erlinda, Iluminada, Leonora, Luisinia, Norma, Nydia, Teresita, Thea, Odie, Horatio, Efren, Emmanuel, Roly, and - "first time attendees" - Rufino and Francisco M. The Grajos tendered a sumptuous and warm welcome dinner to the reunion celebrants on the 1st day of the reunion, June 21st. On the festivities 2nd day, June 22nd, the Uytingcons likewise tendered a warm and sumptuous brunch to the attendees. The dinner-dance, held at the Double Tree hotel's Bear Room on June 23rd, was a strictly "Filipina" dress for the alumni ladies, "barong" for the alumni men and generally formalish attire for the non-alumni attendees. The "Filipina" and "barong" attire made the alumni distinctive. The evening's emcee (and reunion Coordinator) Thea Reyes, made the opening address. Thea also called each alumni (with their respective spouse) to the podium to make a short speech. Then, a new feature, in this reunion's dinner-dance - a musical number by an alumna! Teresita entertaining with a vocal (Tagalog) number "Ikaw Ang Mahal Ko" and Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Don't Cry for Me Argentina". Erlinda and Roly also entertained the attendees with a ballroom-caliber dance exhibition. Then there was dancing-&-more-dancing by everybody (with music provided by a local DJ).
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